We’re on a mission to be the world’s partner for surgical training.

Improving surgical care through connected surgical training.
Inovus works to remaster surgical training through accessible, affordable, and functional technologies. Founded in 2012, combining the talents of a medic and an engineer, Inovus is transforming surgical care, providing a solution to the global surgeon shortage, and, ultimately, saving lives.

Our story so far.
Elliot and Jordan join forces, building prototypes in their university bedrooms
Co-founders Elliot (the medic) and Jordan (the engineer) see an opportunity to improve surgical care through connected surgical training.
Their first ‘take home’ laparoscopic simulator (Pyxus) is designed and launched from their University bedrooms.
Moving from university halls to the hospital, first install of Inovus tech in the NHS
The operation moves out of the bedroom and into the garage.
First institutional laparoscopic simulator (Pyxus Pro) is launched creating a hub and spoke offering.
First institutional install at Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan UK.
The export journey commences and NHS adoption grows
First international sales made.
Manufacturing is upscaled and moved to new premises in St Helens.
20+ NHS Trusts supplied.
The adoption of 3D printing technology heralds a new era of haptic realism in training
Elliot and Jordan leave their roles in medicine and pharmaceuticals to run the growing company full time.
The Basic Surgical Skills range is launched.
3D printing added to the manufacturing processes.
Inovus expands its product portfolio and international markets
Company moves to current global manufacturing facility in St Helens, UK.
Medium fidelity laparoscopic simulators added to portfolio to meet increasing needs of the training spectrum.
Exporting to 40+ countries.
Commercial and product development continues at pace
Bozzini hysteroscopy simulators launched.
Production level 3D printing introduced to manufacturing.
External investment secured to support commercial expansion.
UK commercial team introduced to support the growing domestic market.
Funding is secured to develop digital surgery platform
SBRI healthcare funding secured to develop digital surgery platform focussed on surgical training.
Software engineering and materials specialists added to the R&D team.
Supplying >60% of NHS Trusts and Exporting to 70+ countries.
Bozzini laparoscopic simulator launched.
High fidelity simulation added to portfolio with the launch of LapAR
LapAR high fidelity laparoscopic simulators launched.
Inovus honoured as UK Business Hero for their contributions to the COVID-19 pandemic relief.
Innovate UK funding secured to add digital technologies to other surgical simulators.
Totum digital surgery platform launched
Totum digital surgery platform launched to power the company’s evolving ecosystem of simulators.
AAGL appoints Inovus as official partner to the EMIGS programme.
Investment from Norgine Ventures supports commercial expansion into the USA.
USA commercial team introduced to support growing demand across North America.
Global expansion continues at pace
Inovus appointed as exclusive simulation partner by Global Community of Hysteroscopy.
HystAR high fidelity hysteroscopy simulator launched, bringing high fidelity hysteroscopy training to the portfolio.
USA headquarters opened in Tampa, Florida.
Company expands to new global headquarters in St Helens, UK.
We’re pioneering technologies that can be adopted globally, accessed on-the-go, and harness features that remove geographical limitations to surgical training.
We’re committed to dismantling the financial barriers that prevent talented trainee surgeons from realising their full potential.
We’re creating products that deliver natural haptics, evolve to meet the needs of users, and seamlessly integrate to produce the best possible outcomes.
Inovus Medical at work
Inspire, innovate, and initiate change.
Join a passionate, dynamic, and supportive team working together to shape the future of surgical training.