New Product Launch: bozzini Hysteroscopy Simulator

Posted by Helen Hanson. 16th August 2018
The bozzini Hysteroscopy Simulator by Inovus Medical is a world first in the delivery of close to life, affordable, turnkey hysteroscopy simulation. The simulator offers an anatomically correct uterus with interchangeable pathologies for practising diagnosis and intraoperative management. Pathologies include endometrial polyps, intrauterine adhesions and endometrial cancer/fibroid as well as a bicornate uterus.
The pathologies offer real to life tissue handling and are a low-cost way of delivering repeated practice of these core hysteroscopic skills. The uterus can be positioned in an anteverted and retroverted orientation allowing trainees to experience the different approach needed for each.
The Simulator is supplied with a standard 4mm hysteroscope, two hysteroscopic instruments, a HD camera system and 15” monitor and monitor stand. The camera and hysteroscope are powered by the proprietary bozzini light system.
The bozzini light system really does put the “key” into this turnkey simulator allowing simulated endoscopic procedures to be performed with real endoscopic devices at an affordable price and from a compact, table top simulator.
Inovus Medical CTO and lead designer for the Bozzini project, Jordan Van Flute, had this to say about the new product:
“The bozzini Hysteroscopy Simulator offers a unique solution to the delivery of hysteroscopic simulation. Prior to its launch, options for training in hysteroscopy were limited to basic uterine models or full VR systems. Both of these options represent their own drawbacks. Basic uterine models require the acquisition and addition of expensive imaging systems, light sources and instruments, representing a significant overall cost to deliver training. The VR simulators represent a similar barrier to entry with high price points and often-expensive ongoing licencing fees and maintenance costs.”

The bozzini® Hysteroscopy Simulator offers a unique solution to the delivery of hysteroscopic simulation. Prior to its launch, options for training in hysteroscopy were limited to basic uterine models or full VR systems. Both of these options represent their own drawbacks. Basic uterine models require the acquisition and addition of expensive imaging systems, light sources and instruments, representing a significant overall cost to deliver training. The VR simulators represent a similar barrier to entry with high price points and often-expensive ongoing licencing fees and maintenance costs.
The fully turnkey bozzini® solves these issues by providing everything you need to deliver comprehensive hysteroscopic skills training in a single package. The simulator allows practice of camera holding and navigation, instrument handling, tissue handling, recognition and diagnosis of pathologies and management of pathologies. The interchangeable consumable pathologies are low cost and easy to change in and out of the simulator making it highly practical as well as cost effective for repeated training and education activities.
The launch of the bozzini® is supported by EIT Health through a 50,000 Euro Headstart award. The Headstart funding, awarded in June, came at the perfect time in the development of the product, enabling Inovus to expedite the final R&D stages and test bed activity. Having now tested the product with major simulation centres across the UK the remainder of the Headstart funding will be utilised in the launch and marketing of the new device.
EIT Health: EIT Health brings together leading healthcare companies across multiple industry sectors, public and private research centres, and top universities, to create a powerful network of partners with a clear mission: to accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy living and active ageing by providing Europe’s top talents with new opportunities and resources, for the benefit of all citizens.
Inovus Medical: Inovus Medical is a multi-award winning designer and manufacturer of medical and surgical simulation products. Founded in 2012 by a medical student and a psychology graduate Inovus revolutionised the delivery of surgical simulation by brining to market the worlds first and most affordable range of take-home laparoscopic surgical simulators. Since the launch of these, Inovus has grown its range of laparoscopic simulators to include institutional simulators, used in over 50% of NHS trusts in the UK, as well as adding to their range of healthcare simulators with Sellick® the cricoid pressure trainer, the worlds only commercially available cricoid pressure task trainer. All Inovus products are designed in-house by their team of designers and practicing clinicians. Inovus products are manufactured from their facility and headquarters based in St Helens, UK and shipped across the globe.
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