The power of partnerships in training
Dr Nash Moawad
Having developed a new standardised curriculum for hands on hysteroscopy skills training in the form of the EMIGS programme, Dr Moawad, and the rest of the EMIGS steering committee wanted to find a partner that could provide a scalable hysteroscopy simulation platform to ensure fair and equitable access to training for OBGYN residents across North America.
In 2022, AAGL appointed Inovus as the exclusive simulation partner to the EMIGS programme with the HystAR and Totum platforms planned as the platform for rolling out the hysteroscopy element of EMIGS. Following a generous donation by Hologic, who joined the partnership in 2023, this vision will become a reality, with HystAR systems and Totum access being provided to all ACGME accredited residency programmes across North America.
“We chose Inovus Medical because of their innovative perspective to training and testing,” said AAGL Executive Director, Linda Michels, “and we felt that they would be a strong partner to assist now and in the future.”

The collaboration with Inovus Medical on the EMIGS program will strengthen our ability to offer hysteroscopy simulation for our residents, and to integrate advanced tools to aid our trainees in pursuing excellence in surgical training.
The HystAR and Totum platform will be rolled out to residency programmes from late 2023, and will include the EMIGS hysteroscopy skills tasks (H1 and H2) to enable residents and their programme directors to become familiar with the tasks.
Want to learn more about the EMIGS programme? Visit the AAGL website here:
Want to learn more about HystAR and Totum, click on the links below for more information.