Home UpSurgeOn Cranial Simulators

Proud partners to

The synthetic cadaver delivering repeatable, scalable cranial neurosurgery training.

Inovus Medical are partners to UpSurgeOn in the USA, UK and Ireland. Browse the complete range of cranial simulators or filter based on your primary needs. 

UpSurgeOn is endorsed by

Partnering with UpSurgeOn to boost neurosurgical training.

Inovus and UpSurgeOn have integrated the Cranial Series with Totum, connecting practice to procedure with state of the art ‘digital synthetic cadavers.’

Want to expand your Cranial Series training with Totum? 

Trust our team of experts to guide you to surgical success, helping you add Totum to the Cranial Series to meet your training goals. 

New Cranial Series

An evolving ecosystem connecting practice to procedure.

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