Health Education Yorkshire and Humber adopt LapAR

Posted by Helen Hanson. 1st July 2021
Health Education Yorkshire and Humber adopt LapAR™ for pan-region surgical training
Inovus Medical has this week announced that the Health Education Yorkshire and Humber have adopted LapAR™ for their pan-regional laparoscopic skills training. The announcement comes following a competitive tender win for the delivery of high fidelity, hands on, remote surgical training across the region.
The regional training leads for general surgery and gynaecology were drawn to the LapAR™ throughout the multi stage tender process due to its unique ‘hub and spoke’ offering that facilitates high fidelity, hands on remote surgical training through the take home LapAR™ simulators while also offering ‘on site’ simulation through the LapAR™ Pro. This unique mix of institutional and take home simulators will allow the trainees across the region to experience the cutting edge in connected surgical training.
The project will see the roll out of four hub sites in Hull, Sheffield, York and Bradford, all of which will house the LapAR™ Pro simulators for on site training. Trainees will be able to access the LapAR™ take home simulators to continue their skills training remotely. The LapAR™ system is supported by Inovus’ cloud based learning management system which will allow the trainees to track training progress and receive feedback from senior surgeons throughout their training.
The Training Programme Director for General Surgery in Health Education Yorkshire, said “We are proud to be at the forefront of innovation in surgical education in the region. We selected the LapAR™ platform for our regional training as it gives us an extremely comprehensive training solution effectively combining the elements we would get from basic box trainers and advanced VR simulators. This means we are able to use the system to deliver training to all our trainees from first years through to senior registrars. The ability to track their progress remotely makes it the perfect tool for training across such a large geographical area as we have in Yorkshire and Humber.”
The adoption of Inovus Medical’s technology comes in the wake of rapidly growing demand for high fidelity distance learning. With surgeons across the UK and around the globe unable to train at their usual volumes they are at increasing risk of skills fade. Social distancing measures continue to impact the delivery of traditional surgical training with many simulation centres restricting numbers and contact. The LapAR™ is the perfect solution to meet this demand. The take-home, high fidelity box trainer allows trainee surgeons to perform close to life simulated procedures from home. Connecting with their seniors via the online training portal allows trainer led feedback of skills progression and review of live performance footage; effectively transferring the simulation centre into the home ensuring safe and highly effective training can take place.
Dr Elliot Street, Inovus CEO said
“We are really excited to be supporting the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery with this major adoption of LapAR™. It is very rewarding to be working with such a forward thinking group who plan to use the technology to its full potential, adopting the hub and spoke model for connected surgical training.”