Remastering surgical training to help surgeons save more lives.

Harnessing the power of data to transform surgical training.
Inovus Medical is on a mission to become the world’s partner for surgical training via an evolving ecosystem of surgical simulators, powered by a state-of-the-art digital surgery platform. Working in partnership with the world’s leading educators, clinicians, and Med Tech professionals, we’re helping to transform the way surgeons learn and grow through purposeful practice.

Delivering on our mission with strategic partnerships.
Our strategic partnerships are delivering standardised surgical training at scale, across the globe.
Positively Impacting
48 million women across North America
By training 10,000 gynecologists as the exclusive partner to the EMIGS training program.

AAGL appoints Inovus Medical as exclusive partner for EMIGS national training and testing program
Inovus Medical were announced as the exclusive partner to the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) for the delivery of the Essentials in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (EMIGS) program in December 2022.
The EMIGS validated Training and Testing program has been approved for use by the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) to meet the standards for board eligibility by OBGYNs across America.

EMIGS is the culmination of ten years of dedication by a team of expert educators so committed to advancing MIGS that they were driven to create this exceptional training and standardized testing platform. While the FLS will still have its place, EMIGS addresses the complexities of minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, in particular and will now be the standard for qualifying MIGS surgeons.
Following the initial partnership announcement, Hologic Inc. (Nasdaq: HOLX), a global leader in women’s health, joined the partnership in November 2023, naming Hologic the chief provider of hysteroscopes for the program. In addition to providing one Omni Hysteroscope to all residency programs across North America, Hologic funded the access to one LapAR and one HystAR simulator at every residency site as well as supporting access to Inovus’ digital surgery platform, Totum. The multi-million dollar support from Hologic has enabled the EMIGS program to be standardized, using the Inovus simulators, to ensure equitable training for all OBGYNs across North America.

Our collaboration with Hologic and Inovus provides the vital infrastructure needed to bring EMIGS to life. This will allow us to provide equitable access to high-quality hands-on training tools to future OBGYNs. We chose Inovus Medical because of their innovative perspective to training and testing, and we felt that they would be a strong partner to assist now and in the future.
About AAGL and ABOG
AAGL is the premier global association in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery (MIGS) with membership of over 6,500 physicians across 110 countries. ABOG defines standards and provides certification to obstetricians and gynecologists (OB GYNs) in the United States and Canada. Both organizations seek to facilitate ongoing training in best practices and systemize the qualifications of physicians to ensure the highest quality of healthcare for women.

Expanding UpSurgeOn’s world leading synthetic cadavers

Inovus Medical and UpSurgeOn Announce Global Strategic Partnership
St. Helens, UK, Milan, Italy January 11th 2025. Pioneering surgical training technology businesses, Inovus Medical and UpSurgeOn, have announced a global strategic partnership that stands to enhance access to high quality surgical training for thousands of surgeons across the globe. The partnership was unveiled at the opening session of the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in Orlando, Florida.
A centrepiece of the partnership is the integration of UpSurgeOn’s full portfolio of mixed reality surgical simulation technologies into Inovus Medical’s Totum digital surgery platform. This groundbreaking integration will create a world-first ‘digital synthetic cadaver’ for cranial, spine, ENT, and plastic surgery, combining UpSurgeOn’s advanced life-like anatomical and tissue simulation along with its mixed reality expansions with the Totum platform’s unmatched digital capabilities. The result is the most comprehensive platform for delivering multidisciplinary surgery training and simulation globally, setting a new benchmark for innovation in surgical education.
In addition to the integration of the UpSurgeOn surgical series with Totum, Inovus Medical will serve as the commercial partner to UpSurgeOn in several key international territories, providing on the ground support to the growing UpSurgeOn user base and supporting their continued adoption of the UpSurgeOn technologies and Totum platform. UpSurgeOn will be offering access to the cranial, spine, ENT, and plastic surgery modules of Totum in the territories not supported by Inovus’ direct commercial presence, ensuring access to this ground breaking technology to surgeons in over 100 countries. This global partnership ensures that surgical professionals across the globe gain unparalleled access to UpSurgeOn’s cutting-edge simulation technology, empowering them to enhance their surgical skills in the highly specialized fields of spine and cranial surgery.

I have been a huge fan of the UpSurgeOn team and products for many years. The quality and realism of their simulators is unmatched, and by integrating UpSurgeOn’s expertise in cranial, spine, ENT, and plastic surgery simulation with the Totum platform, we are not only enhancing the offering of both companies, but creating a revolutionary digital synthetic cadaver. This world-first innovation represents the future of surgical education - immersive, scalable, and accessible on a global scale, and I am excited to see the positive impact this has on the growth of both businesses.

Dr Federico Nicolosi, CEO of UpSurgeOn added, “Inovus has revolutionized the disciplines it operates in, and I have been profoundly inspired by the way they’ve achieved this in General Surgery and Gynecology. As a neurosurgeon, during my training, I often envied the immense opportunities my colleagues in those fields had, thanks to the genius of the Inovus team and the unparalleled level of their mixed reality technologies. They have created a new paradigm in these disciplines. Joining forces will have an unprecedented global impact, showcasing to the world that the future of healthcare is deeply rooted in advanced surgical simulation—reducing risks for patients and costs for healthcare institutions, MedTech companies, and insurance providers”. This partnership underscores both companies' shared commitment to advancing surgical training and improving patient outcomes through technology.
To learn more visit: Neurosurgery and Spine visit Inovus Medical website: Click Here
About UpSurgeOn:
UpSurgeOn is a surgical simulation company founded in 2017, with the mission of making surgical excellence accessible globally. By offering cutting-edge hyper-realistic simulators and immersive VR/AR experiences, it specializes in fields such as Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and others. UpSurgeOn helps professionals enhance their psychomotor skills, improve patient safety, and reduce costs for healthcare providers.

Exclusive Partners to LapPass
Training the General Surgeons of tomorrow
Through RCS England sanctioned events.

ALSGBI appoints Inovus Medical as the official partner for the LapPass training programme
Launched by ALSGBI in 2015, the LapPass is a nationally recognised certificate of proficiency in the technically demanding skills required for laparoscopic surgery and the only validated laparoscopic skills curriculum in the UK. The LapPass certificate can be added to a trainee surgeon’s portfolio when a series of timed laparoscopic skills tests are successfully passed.
The original LapPass tasks were designed such that they could be created by off the shelf materials to keep costs to a minimum. With a growing uptake of the curriculum across the UK and overseas it became increasingly difficult to ensure standardisation of the tasks and as such the ALSGBI sought a partner to help create a standardised and scalable platform for the LapPass curriculum.
Mr Ananda Nanu MBBS, MSOrth, FRCS, MCHOrth, FRCSOrth, RCSEng QA Lead and Chair of the Committee that governs QA and Accreditation commented: “Congratulations to Inovus Medical for this achievement. This accreditation demonstrates their commitment to the highest standards of surgical education and training.”

The ALSGBI are pleased to be working in association with Inovus Medical on the delivery of the LapPass programme. The partnership brings improved standardisation to the tasks which we believe will further improve the experience of trainee surgeons who are working towards their LapPass certification. Inovus Medical’s ethos of affordable, accessible and functional surgical training is something that aligns with the ideals of the ALSGBI and stands to make this a successful collaboration.
Following the launch of the partnership, the LapPass curriculum has been integrated into the LapAR laparoscopic simulator and Totum digital surgery platform. The integration offers an opportunity to deliver remote training and certification on LapPass as well as the ability to collect objective performance metrics through the Totum platform. Accreditation of the platform by the Royal College of Surgeons for England in 2022 also means trainee surgeons are able to collect Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points while working towards their LapPass competency on the LapAR and Totum.
Deemed as a quality mark for surgical education, the accreditation covers Inovus Medical’s LapAR and Totum ecosystem which allows simulation and training centres to deliver both face-to-face and remote surgical training. The enhanced augmented reality-based platform connects trainees and faculty through a digital surgery training system that provides objective metrics and performance tracking, including video recording and the ability to give subjective comments from faculty prior to completion of formal assessments.
Mr Ananda Nanu MBBS, MSOrth, FRCS, MCHOrth, FRCSOrth, RCSEng QA Lead and Chair of the Committee that governs QA and Accreditation commented:

Congratulations to Inovus Medical for this achievement. This accreditation demonstrates their commitment to the highest standards of surgical education and training.

The simulator of choice for
6,000 hysteroscopists
Training the Global Community of Hysteroscopy.

Inovus Medical Appointed as Official Simulation Partners by Global Community of Hysteroscopy
Inovus Medical is the official simulation partner to the Global Congress of Hysteroscopy (GCH), with the partnership being announced on stage at the opening address of the 2023 GCH congress by GCH Founder and Chair Dr Sergio Haimovich and Inovus Medical’s CEO, Dr Elliot Street. The partnership recognizes Inovus's portfolio of hysteroscopy simulators and Totum® digital surgery platform as the official simulators of the GCH.
The partnership enables Inovus to work closely with the GCH to advance hysteroscopy simulation training and provide cutting-edge training technology to hysteroscopists across the globe. As part of the agreement, a research partnership has been established, which commenced with a multi-centre prospective validation study led by GCH faculty. The aim of this study is to further validate the HystAR simulators and Totum digital surgery platform for delivery of remote hysteroscopy skills training and certification.
The partnership will see Inovus’ range of hysteroscopy simulators placed at the forefront of GCH sanctioned training events across the globe with the simulators playing a major part in the hands-on skills training workshops at the annual GCH congress. The partnership announcement will also result in improved access to Inovus’ portfolio of simulators for GCH members.
Dr Sergio Haimovich, Founder and Chair of GCH, commented:

GCH is committed to Continuous Medical Education (CME) globally, and we believe that with the help of Inovus’ simulators we will be able to improve our CME programs, with special emphasis in developing countries, helping to enhance the level of intrauterine surgery and hysteroscopy.
The Global Congress of Hysteroscopy (GCH) is the premier global society focused on hysteroscopy. GCH aims to promote the practice, teaching and research of hysteroscopy to improve women's health worldwide.

Explore our simulators.
Browse our range of surgical simulators combining real instruments with natural haptics across laparoscopic, hysteroscopy, spine, cranial and basic surgical skills training.
Unsure which simulator will best suit your needs?
Trust our team of experts to guide you to surgical success, identifying the simulators that best match your training goals.

Unlocking the power of practice with hybrid training, powered by Totum.
Progress from basic skills tasks to immersive, full procedure training on a single platform with our hybrid augmented reality simulators.

Natural Haptics
Practice with the tools you will use in the operating room and experience natural haptic feedback generated by synthetic soft tissues.
Objective Metrics
Instrument tracking technology records instrument movement while operating. Performance metrics are displayed in the Totum platform to track training progress.
The LapAR is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Every hour of training earns one continuing professional development (CPD) point with certificates issued directly from Totum.
Video Review
Record your training and play it back in the Totum platform. View video footage with side by side objective metrics for a rich learning experience.
Full procedures
Perform high fidelity, simulated full procedures across the specialities of general surgery and gynaecology. Work through the physical steps of full procedures with cognitive prompts provided along the way.
Immersive environments
Digital overlays interact with synthetic soft tissues to create highly immersive environments, streamed directly to the screen without need for headsets.
An evolving ecosystem connecting practice to procedure.

The Inovus advantage: Natural haptics meet real-world instruments.
Watch our co-founder and CEO, Dr Elliot Street, as he explains how our diverse portfolio of products, based on real-world procedures, meet the full spectrum of training needs.
Inovus Medical at work
Inspire, innovate, and initiate change.
Join a passionate, dynamic, and supportive team working together to shape the future of surgical training.