Encompassing the full spectrum of laparoscopic and basic surgical skills training.
Shaping the future of surgical training with an evolving ecosystem of simulators, connecting practice to procedure, from basic skills to high fidelity training.

Serving the full spectrum of needs for laparoscopic and basic surgical skills training.
Shaping the future of surgical training with an evolving ecosystem of simulators, connecting practice to procedure from basic skills to high fidelity training.

Inovus simulators in action.

Our Laparoscopic Simulators range.
Browse our complete range of laparoscopic simulators or filter your search based on your primary needs using the options below.
Unsure which simulator will best suit your needs?
Trust our team of experts to guide you to surgical success, identifying the simulators that best meet your needs and training goals.

Basic Surgical Skills Trainers.
Pair our basic surgical skills task trainer with Totum mobile to capture your practice and receive valuable insights from your peers and mentors. Learn more by clicking the Totum option below.
Build your surgical career through purposeful practice, starting with the basics.
Develop your skills and evolve your practice with the all-in-one basic surgical skills base combining natural haptics with near real pathologies.

An evolving ecosystem connecting practice to procedure.